Religion As the Meaning of Life and the Guidelines for Human

Broadly speaking, the notion of religion (din) is any form of legal regulations that must be obeyed, whether in the form of commands that must be carried out or the form of restrictions that should be abandoned and there is retaliation.
Elements of religion:
• spiritual powers
• The relationship with the unseen
• The cult or worship of the unseen
• There is a holy and sacred (holy books, places of worship, etc.)
The purpose of religion is a revelation as a guide in living life in the world. Where this guide explains about what is right and wrong, where the Truth and what is false. Instructions here covers many areas in life, whether social, political, economic and other fields. Despite the fact that everyone can live their lives, but basically not all people get a clue as to which is taught by religion.
Humans are one of God's creatures who awarded the mind and has the potential to have faith in God and with minds capable of understanding and practice of revelation and of natural phenomena, have a sense of behavior lakunyadan jawabatas all have a certain character. With the grace that is what makes man a noble creature, in which other creatures do not have these privileges. God gave man reason to necessarily mean anything. One is to carry out the mandate of God as a caliph in the earth.
The Quran asserts that Islam is a doctrine that gives life spirit, and the history of Islam has testified about it. The teachings of Islam through the Qur'an stresses-of-virtue favors one side of the hereafter and warn people of the world's deceit. From the other hand, the Qur'an warns evils and dangers tied to the world, forgetting the hereafter, eternal nature to deny or doubt about it. The Qur'an emphasizes that things like this will lead to eternal misery and humiliation. Wrong to give priority to people who think that the world will only make people lose the reward of the Hereafter, but on the losing side, instead of people like this will get eternal damnation.
Drafters of the discussion has been to convey the above can be concluded that religion is a very important role in determining the steps a person's life, especially related to the purpose of human creation is to worship God, and also related to the duties and functions of human beings on earth that is as caliph. Religion is the basis or foundation in a move or carry out the mandate. Even al-Ghazali mentions religion determines human behavior, in other words, that religion has a central role that became a benchmark in affecting human life on earth.

Al Quran dan terjemahan
Ali, Daud dkk. 1988. Islam untuk Disiplin Ilmu Hukum, Sosial dan Politik. Jakarta:PT Bulan Bintang

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